Ep 9: Sex Zombies

Are we walking sex zombies to spread sexually transmitted diseases? Fungus turns ants into zombies. There are wasps that produce zombie spiders. The Emerald wasp zombifies cockroaches, worms who turn grasshoppers into zombies, protozoan creates zombie rats. What makes us any different?

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Rachel: “What if we were only meant to be horney once a month for 3 days in sync with our cycles?.”

Kayla: “Are you talking about the research done by Charissa de Bekker and Ludwig Maximilian? From Behavior to Mechanisms: An Integrative Approach to the Manipulation by a Parasitic Fungus of Its Host Ants.

Yes, I am, that’s the one

Music Intro

Hey everyone, my name is Kayla

And this is Rachel with Dating Hypothesis, thank you so much for joining us today!

Let me get this straight. This episode is about STD’s making human’s their own sex zombies in order to allow the proliferation of said STD? 


Okay, well, there are  legit 35 different viruses that fit under the label STD’s or STI’s.

(cue music) An un stoppable plague sweeps across humanity, transforming people into mindless monsters seeking sex. Their intentions are pure. Purely sexual, that is. They will seduce you by tricking you into thinking they want a relationship. Their brains are hijacked. They will say anything to get laid.

 MMMkay, but you’re  talking about the hormones that make us horny, right?

That…is the acceptable narrative.

I can’t believe you are trying to convince me we get taken over by std’s! Forced to seek out sex.

*Talk about getting pregnant

Some people are horny all the time. Why? What is the benefit of being horny all month if the conception window is 5 days? Men should be drawn to women in heat. But it feels more like they mindlessly seek out warm holes to stick their

Rachel! Please. Let’s begin this ridiculous episode already! 

Add “Two Beats”

* Begin conversation “Zombies in nature”

There are so many instances of zombies in nature: A parasitic fungus turns carpenter ants into zombies, toxoplasma gondii permanently affects rodents, jewel wasp enslaves cockroaches, parasitoid wasp hijacks spiders. Nature is fucking brutal my friends. Let’s start out with the parasitic fungus.

The entire idea of fungus is fascinating. Are they plants or animals? Fungi secrete digestive enzymes and their spores have the same propelling flagellum-like tail as sperm. And if you look at the Molecular Evidence, we have to say fungi are more animal than plant. 

In the Amazon rainforest a parasitic fungus takes control of ants. This leads me to believe mushrooms are higher up the food chain than plants. In the rainforest researchers gathered up some of the infected ants and used fluorescent microscopy to inspect the bodies and brains. The bodies of the ants contained fungal cells. There were no fungal cells in the ant’s brains though. What chemicals or proteins were being secreted by the fungal cells in the ant’s body to get the ant’s brain on board to do the bidding of the fungus?

This reminds me of our episode about men’s semen rewriting a woman’s DNA.

Right! So what chemicals are these Fungus secreting to control the behavior of the ants? The researchers found thousands of unique chemicals, most of them completely unknown. We know the fungus forms tubular scaffolding within and around the ant’s muscles. What bioactive compounds are interfering with the ant’s nervous system to control the muscles? 

We already know our guts have beneficial and harmful bacteria. But do you know “our gut also has a fungal diversity more extensive than our bacteria diversity”? Seriously, our insides are weird friends…

I did not. So you’re saying not only do we have an amazing variety of gut bacteria but we also have a host of fungus in our intestines?

Correct. Have you ever dated someone that loved mushrooms? Maybe they are better at mind control or mind reading? Can the fungus in our gut…secrete proteins that take over our lover’s bodies or minds?

Would it need to be our gut fungus that does the controlling? What about the food we eat? It makes sense that foods can provide chemicals for mind control. Sugar affects our internal chemicals. And let’s face it. This entire episode is about the chemistry exchange happening in the host of a parasite. The drug industry gets its ingredients directly from nature.

What about aphrodisiacs? Do they work? Chocolate causes the brain to release endorphins, dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin, basically a cocktail simulating happiness. Chocolate also causes the brain to produce natural opiates, which dulI pain and increase a feeling of well-being. Chocolate does have caffeine but in small quantities. About a tenth of a cup of coffee. But does this make women horny?I mean I could get on board with that, I know being in a happy mood is pretty crucial for me to want to do the deed. 

I believe it does. In a backhanded way. When the sympathetic nervous system is moderately aroused…so are genitalia. This is not true with too much or too little arousal. 


 Too much arousal causes alert mode…Our sight is sensitive, heart beats faster, we get an adrenaline and energy rush, digestion and elimination shuts down. Too little arousal just perks us up a bit. Caffeine, nicotine, exercise, and cortisol stimulate the sympathetic nervous system. So technically any of those could be construed as aphrodisiacs. The trick with chocolate is the other chemicals released with the bit of caffeine.

So when the sympathetic nervous system is moderately stimulated women get horny? If the stimulation is too low or too high our genitals are not aroused? So the jolt of anticipated texts from a crush…arouses genitalia?

Yup. Ive noticed a general understanding in my peers that mindset is key when trying to have sex. My last boyfriend lacked that general understanding. He would get so confused about not being able to get an erection when we were not right, “going through something that needed working out”. To me, this proves our mind, our thoughts, possess the ability to release chemicals throughout our body. So if you want to change your chemical composition, think different thoughts.

Why does the fungus need the ants? Can’t it just spray the spores around and grow where they settle?

This fungus gets ants to migrate somewhere favorable to the fungus. We are not even looking at fungi globally for these behavioral manipulations since not all fungi can be grown in a lab. We are still discovering these parasitic relationships, and we have no idea what receptors to look for in potential hosts.

The fungus manipulates behavior by affecting the muscle tissues and neurological pathways in ants. There are videos of frog legs “coming to life” when people pour salt on them. It’s easy to hijack muscles, and we know food affects our brain so as long as the raider secretes chemicals that work with our brain, I can see a full hostile take over working out. Knowing a full mind/body takeover is possible and not too difficult, it makes the subtle nudging of everyday chemicals seem more normal and even more frightening since we go through so much chemical interaction every day. 

This specific fungus can infect and kill non target ants, but it cannot manipulate their behavior, something about the brain of the target ant makes it malleable.

Yeah, there seems to be a very specific chemical, or chemical cocktail released by the fungus that matches specific receptors in this particular ant. Researchers set up multiple petri dishes in the lab, each containing different ant species brains. They added the fungus to each petri dish. They monitored the chemicals this fungus would produce in each dish since it was paired with different species.

And do you know what happened? Each species’ brain elicited a different chemical secretion from the fungus. In the target ant brain petri dish, Guano Butyric acid and Sphingosine was secreted by the fungus which tends to be present in human neurological disorders. Rachel, do you believe fungus have an idea of what they are doing or is it just mindless evolution?

You don’t want to know my opinion. My theories tend to be on the wacky side. I am a firm believer in panpsychism.

Please enlighten us on what the hell that is Rach…

Do you think men can secrete mind altering chemicals to make women more malleable? Testosterone, androstadienone, and pheromones have already been proven to affect women’s behavior. Are these chemicals only potent while in our system or can they permanently alter us?

Does each male produce identical chemicals or are they emitting signature cocktails designed specifically for each woman? Is it like the ant brains in petri dishes? Does each male emit a unique cocktail of chemicals based entirely on the female in his presence? Is our behavior, word choice, and attention levels “just a chemical warfare we engage in to get what we want out of each other”? Are some men’s reproductive systems more evolutionarily evolved? Have they added gut-fungal secretions to their chemical cocktails?

If this is happening…is it airborne? Would it be exchanged when we kiss or during sex? I mean the fungus seems to just land on the ant. The spores land, attach, and penetrate the exoskeleton of the ant. If fungi in our guts need to procreate and spread to other hosts…what would that look like migratorially? 

Are there other ways kissing a man could affect us…maybe… parasitically? Can swapping fluids with someone make you literally more brave, bold, and willing? What if kissing someone gave you the world’s most common parasite?

There is a parasite called toxoplasma gondii. It is generally found in mice and cat owning humans can get it while cleaning out the litter box. Researchers know the behavior patterns of rodents are quite different when mice are infected with toxoplasma gondii. 

The symptoms of toxoplasma gondii are mild in healthy people. You would just think you had the flu. However, the general population overlooks the fact that many many many parasites, bacterial infections, and viral infections are often asymptomatic. Which means you have that parasite, bacteria, or virus but it just sits in your body hiding away secreting mild streams of proteins or other chemicals that go undetected by your immune system causing neurological or physical changes to your body. 

When toxoplasma gondii are asymptomatic they remove the fear of cats in mice by emitting proteins that affect the mouse’s brain. There are videos of a mouse sniffing out a cat like it’s a friend and not a giant predator. Researchers are now looking into whether affected cat owners take more risks. BTW, if you want to minimize your risk of infection, don’t let your cats outside. They bring in the darndest things. 

Yeah, like birds, bats, shrews, baby bunnies…but, maybe if someone is riddled with anxiety and fear they could let their cat in and out then lick it time-to-time for that dose of recklessness. aaaand I am just kidding. A portion of society has severe reactions to T. gondii which is why doctors tell pregnant women to avoid cats and litter.

I most certainly enjoyed the 18 months between my two pregnancies that I didn’t have to clean our cat’s boxes!

The infection rate in the US is 40 million. Symptoms tend to be mild. Many have no symptoms at all. After infection, the parasite becomes a cyst for the rest of that person’s life…the immune system can’t fight it and antibiotics won’t affect it.

Participants infected with T. gondii took a personality questionnaire. They found both men and women were more extroverted and less conscientious than the infection-free participants.

I grew up with cats. One of the reasons I believe I am a sociopath is my lack of fear. Maybe I just have toxoplasmosis?

If a man is infected and attracted to a shy woman…they kiss…would she become more brave and bold? Or, would she need to be infected by the parasite? Could the proteins themselves be passed on to affect her?

Do you think we are able to give off a chemical that makes people more outgoing while they are around us? I know, I get infected by people’s energy…especially a crowd’s energy. Or, are we just infecting them with a parasite? Hey, maybe this parasite in the human allows their human to give off airborne chemicals to influence a crowd?

Wouldn’t that be crazy if fearlessness wasn’t the personality trait we believed? What if curiosity of different cultures was just a parasitic infection seeking to spread? What if this is evolution at its finest?

There is some evidence linking the proteins from this parasite to mental illness. Researchers are trying to Figure out what proteins are being released during the infection to leave such a permanent change in behavior.

This next one reminds me of women getting pregnant and the whole breeding process.

The jewel wasp takes over a cockroach using mind-control chemicals. She has a fine tuned stinger that uses chemical and mechanical sensors to find the exact location of the two brain areas she needs to control in the cockroach. She injects fluids in the two areas and voila! The cockroach is her zombie slave. The wasp leads the cockroach which walks normally, even uprighting itself if you flip it over to a burrow. A single egg is laid on the leg of the roach. Later, the larva bore into the living roach feeding on it.


What’s interesting about this mind-control, is after the wasp stings the roach in the  brain, the roach grooms itself for a half hour. Once it’s clean she guides it to the burrow. After two days, the egg hatches. The roach does not escape in those two days. It stays to be eaten alive. In a lab, when researchers remove the egg from the leg, the roach will revert to normal behavior. So this egg is also emitting something that retains the roach’s compliance.

Human breeding is very much like that. Like imagine something alien starts growing in your stomach one day after a guy stings you with his stinger. This thing wiggles, pushes, kicks, hiccups, around in your body cavity…it’s the chemicals that keep you from stabbing the thing to death as it grows to humongous proportions jetting out from your little frame. 

Okay, let’s go back to the chemical that makes a man want to clean…for an entire hour. I would love to be able to insert a stinger into my boyfriend’s brain to make him want to clean. And back to your strange description of pregnancy…My friends and I swear by pregnancy brain. Whatever chemical that egg is giving off…up that cockroaches leg… humans get it when we are pregnant and nursing. It’s not an egg leg chemical but it is a uterus egg chemical. We either love or hate that fuzzy, foggy, hazy pregnancy brain.

What is in DNA that causes some species to utilize “resources” in an all consuming selfish way? I mean that’s damn balzy to infiltrate something’s mind for your own selfish reasons. And wasps seem to have this game down.

A different wasp hijacks a spider’s brain making it behave differently. The female wasp lays her eggs on the abdomen of the spider. When the larvae emerge, they feed on the spider like nursing pups only, sucking the life out of the spider. This particular spider lives in colonies. As the larva grow, they direct the spider to leave the colony and spin them a cocoon. Once the cocoon is finished the larva finish eating the spider then enter their cocoon. Talk about using and abusing.

Have you heard about the flatworm in Southern California that has three hosts during its life cycle? It uses snails, fish, and birds.

Yea, after the flatworm infects a snail the snail crawls up onto leaves and gets eaten. The flatworm makes its way to the brain cavity where it becomes part of the meningeal layer on the brain surface of the killifish that ate the snail. Chemicals released make the killifish jerk about on the surface of the water making them easy prey to shore birds. Once the fish is consumed, the parasite lives in the bird’s gut to produce eggs which are released in the stool spread to marshes and ponds.

Don’t forget there is a lancet fluke that forces its ant host to attach to the tips of grass blades, to be eaten. The fluke needs to get into the gut of a grazing animal to complete its life cycle.

Hairworms, which live inside grasshoppers, sabotage the grasshopper’s central nervous system, forcing them to jump into pools of water, drowning themselves. The hairworm then busts out of the grasshopper and swims away to continue their life cycle.

Several species of living animals have been successfully controlled, remotely….BY Humans! We are parasites infecting insects and mammals with our electrodes and forcing them to do our bidding! We’ve done it to moths, beetles, cockroaches, rats, dogfish sharks, mice and pigeons. Remote control animals can be used as spies, to do work, or for search and rescue. We stimulate the reward center of their brain when the correct behavior is seen using Electrodes we implant into their brain. It’s quite ruthless.

*opinion on, if this is right or wrong

Everything we’ve talked about is a fungus or insect. Something needs to be quite evolved to do this mind take-over. Rachel, I don’t think your STD theory has any validity.

But…there is a bacteria, known as “phyto Plasma”. It infects its host, transforming it to  serve their own purpose. Sure the bacteria is infecting plants…but…these plants do not follow their own internal blueprints to grow flowers or pollen to allow their own proliferation. Instead they create special leaf-like growths for the bacteria. This change does not cause the plant to die, but it keeps it from self replicating.

Weird fact: the world’s biggest known virus can still infect single cell organisms despite having just thawed out from Siberian permafrost after being frozen for 30,000 years. 

Thank g*d they can only infect single celled organisms. I don’t even want to add that to my list of things to fear.

*go into climate change and viruses flowing out of thawed ice.

There is no doubt that brains can be taken over. Mind or body-control by chemicals is possible. Some of these examples bring up ideas that maybe it was mind dampening paralysis and not mind control…but in the lab it was shown to clearly be mind or body control, not just mind dampening.

A good example of paralysis without mind control would be Tetrodotoxin, found in pufferfish, it seems to be produced by endo symbiotic bacteria. The bacteria is not trying to travel to other hosts. It likes being in a pufferfish and the fish benefits, being able to use the toxins as prey deterrent. Tetrodotoxin is a potent neurotoxin and paralysis. pufferfish become non-toxic when artificially reared without this marine bacteria.

We think we are not being controlled by chemicals. Would we know if we were? What would that look like? Our inner voice being trapped as it fights against the control? Or would we just go about our day normally engaging in activities outside our norm as we think we are doing something new, exciting, or being brave? Or scarier yet, just living our lives. No thought this way or that? Each behavior, seemingly perfectly normal to us as we follow our gut, urges, and doing what makes us happy?

– We have to ask our listeners…what do you know about fungus? Have you dated a man who loved mushrooms? Did he have a strong effect on you? Is there a food that works as an aphrodisiac on you? Do you have outdoor cats? Are you especially brave? What do you think about mind control chemicals? Would you use them if you had access to them? What would you make your partner do if you could? Should we as a dominant species be controlling insects and animals with electrodes? If so… then is it okay for me as a dominant superior being to stab electrodes into my boyfriend’s brain while he sleeps so I can gain control over his weak ass inferior self? Write to us on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.

– Let’s take a quick Commercial break, we will be right back. (wait 3 seconds) And we are back.

Commercial break timestamp (28:09)

Add “Two Beats”

** Resume Conversation What causes humans to act like zombies?

There are behavioral-altering diseases such as rabies, sleeping sickness, Mad cow disease, Leprosy, Kuru from Cannibalism, Cotard’s syndrome, Alzhiemers.

I mean let’s be honest. Just getting a cold changes my behavior. The pain directs me to lay in bed all day. The runny nose and headache cause confusion and distraction. If the common cold can cause behavioral changes, isn’t it difficult to argue something more sophisticated could control you like a remote control car?

Rabies is a viral disease that infects the central nervous system and causes violence, anxiety, confusion, hallucinations, paralysis, and eventually death. In 2008 only two cases of human rabies infection were reported in the U.S. thanks to vaccines. It is crazy though to think that you only have 48 hours after exposure to treat rabies.

There used to be so many violent diseases and infections. We have not been exposed to visuals like that in this sanitized environment. We have vaccines for…or have eradicated the most noxious diseases. Maybe the sophisticated ones or the ones that bring pleasure go unnoticed…as a disease or infection? Maybe we just think we have a great personality when actually we are infected? Maybe the “best aspects” of our evolution is actually bacteria trying to spread to Mars and we are the “host with the most”.

Okay, so let’s go as basic as we can with an infection. Something without desire to replicate **??**. It’s not a virus, bacteria, fungus, nor parasite. Kuru is a prion disease brought about by Cannibalism of infected flesh. It has no genetic material, survives being boiled, and isn’t alive. It is just a twisted protein, which compels normal proteins to contort just like them, this kills nerve cells leaving holes in the brain. Victims have trouble walking, lose control of their emotions, within a year, they can’t get up off the floor, feed themselves or control their bodily functions.

This would be seen as a negative infection. Something we would want to cure.

Kuru is a prion disease from eating infected people. Mad cow disease is a prion disease from eating infected cows.

Sleeping sickness is from a tsetse fly bite. The parasite that gets transferred causes personality changes, confusion, poor coordination, hallucinations, catatonic state, violent outbursts. People tend to live for years like this before dying. This parasite shows enough sophistication to keep the host alive, so that the parasite can infect others. It is transferred to other flies through the blood of the victim. Some people live with chronic levels of the parasite for years.

Leprosy is a bacteria and an interesting find is that Indigenous people in the US are completely immune. Only 5% percent of the rest of the world is susceptible to the disease. Most people have a natural immunity and will not contract it even if they are exposed to it. 85% of U.S. cases are people immigrating here from other countries. Transmission is not known. We are unable to grow leprosy in a petri dish, the bacteria only grows in living hosts. Symptoms are weakness (sometimes only in one foot or hand), paralysis, sensory loss, deformities of the face, paralyzed eyes, enlargement of the earlobes.

This is a complicated life form. On one hand it is sophisticated enough to elude us. On the other hand it’s easy to be immune to, and the symptoms it causes are terrible enough we don’t want to be infected.

Cotard’s syndrome is rare. There are only 200 cases worldwide. Transfer or development of this, is unknown. Symptoms are unique. Infected humans are suicidal. They also believe they are already dead. They refuse to eat. Parts of their brain atrophies. They are severely depressed and have psychotic symptoms, hopelessness, delusions, and anxiety. They either cannot or will not speak. Their limbs become ridgid. They develop incontinence. Electroconvulsive therapy has helped many cases.

So, there seems to be multiple rhymes and reasons humans develop unique personality quirks.


I mean, we don’t even know what causes that last one. We are affected by multiple mediums. Our brains are delicate babies, needing protection from the big bad world. My point though, is, our brains are affected pretty easily. This episode has been all about the big bad that can hurt us. But what this episode is really about…is what if infection could seem positive? Like the loss of fear? Or, more importantly, the desire for sex?

– I want to ask our listeners if they act differently when they get a cold or flu. Do you know anyone that has had rabies? Mad cow? Sleeping? If you found out your high sex drive was an asymptomatic virus…would you want to cure it? Is your high labido a good thing or bad thing? Does it cause troubles in your relationship? Would you want to be infected by an asymptomatic virus if it would give you a higher sex drive? Tell us your stories. We have Tic Tok and Youtube.

– We are going to take a Commercial break, we will be right back. (wait 3 seconds) And we are back.

Commercial break timestamp (34:13)

Add “Two Beats”

*** Close the conversation: I can’t believe you are making me say this:Could we be sex zombies”?

When I have questions about things I fear, I go to the CDC. So, obviously, in preparation for this episode I went to the CDC zombie preparedness web page to read up “how to protect myself” from zombies.

Sexually transmitted diseases are infections transmitted from an infected person to an uninfected person through sexual contact. STDs can be bacterial, viral, or parasitical. Gonorrhea, syphilis, and chlamydia are caused by bacteria. Bacteria based std’s are curable with antibiotics.

In previous episodes we bring up the gut bacteria brain communication axis pointing out research on mental states caused by our gut bacteria. *Is it, so far a stretch, to postulate genitle bacteria being able to communicate with our brains, even influence our brain chemistry?

  • Gonorrhea is a bacteria and passes from person to person through sex. Many never develop symptoms. An asymptomatic carrier can still spread the infection.
  • Syphilis is a bacteria that can remain dormant in your body.
  • Chlamydia is a bacteria that can remain inactive.

We have research showing a dormant parasite emitting proteins to alter behavior in mice to make them curious and brave. I am just suggesting dormant bacteria “transmittable through sex” could emit protiens to make your genitals twitchy. 


Fine, Chlamydia could emit proteins causing wanton lustful desire.

Okay, so Trichomonas vaginalis is a parasite. It causes Trichomoniasis which is curable with antibiotics. Parasites are able to mind and body control their hosts. Trichomonas vaginalis is more prevalent than gonorrhea, chlamydia and syphilis combined. If we learned today that parasites can release chemicals that affect the host’s behavior then why not a genital parasite?


Finally, HPV, genital herpes, HIV, and Hepatitis are caused by viruses. There is no cure for these viruses. They just stick around forever popping up anytime they feel like it. There were 43 million occurrences in the US in 2018.

Genital warts are caused by the human papillomavirus. HPV is the most common of all STIs. There are 30 to 40 strains that specifically affect the genitals. However, the virus doesn’t always lead to complications such as genital warts. In fact, the virus usually goes dormant without causing any health problems. 

But, does it leave behind epigenetic changes like extreme horn dog behaviors?

At this time, there is no test to find out if a person has HPV.

Rachel, have you ever had an STD? You’ve said you sleep around more than the average bear. Could you be infected with any of these dormant infections? 

As far as I know I am completely clean. In L.A. I got tested every three months for two years because it was free. Always clean. But, they only screen for the big four. To get tested for everything we spoke about in today’s episode would take an act of G*d. When I ask my doctor, he laughs in my face. It’s expensive “and pointless since knowing would not change anything since it can’t be cured”. So how do they come up with all these numbers? 43 million cases in the US? If they don’t screen for it…how do they know how many people have it?

Some people find out when genital warts appear. The number of wart cases compared to the number of people infected is pretty low. Women find out during an abnormal Pap smear. Others develop problems like cancer. There’s no test to find it in the mouth or throat. Most people with HPV do not know they are infected and never develop symptoms or health problems from it.

If I am infected with a dormant case and its altered my sex drive to make me horny outside my window of “optimal conception”…I can feel the difference. I haven’t had a period in 10 years. I am still horny all the time. When I had periods, during the window of opportunity…I would be cannibalistically horny. Like vicious. It was a serious driving factor in my life, not easy to ignore. Counter productively I would get bitchy, moody, irritable. If the rest of the month was a bacteria trying to travel host-to-host, it did a better job attracting mates than my hormones.

Another viral neurobehavioral disorder caused by herpes simplex encephalitis, is Kluver-Bucy syndrome. It has bizarre symptoms that include the urge to put inappropriate things in your mouth, an inability to recognize normal objects, a need to explore everything, memory loss, emotional changes, extreme sexual behavior, indifference, placidity, visual distractibility and difficulty identifying and processing visual information. An almost uncontrollable appetite for food, dementia, confusion, catatonic state while being prone to violent outbursts.

That does not sound pleasant

Taking all of these STD’s into account, there are 20 million new cases each year. Most have an asymptomatic nature. The majority of STDs either do not produce any symptoms, or they produce symptoms so mild they go unnoticed. There were 68 million infections reported in 2018.

A virus hijacks like a ninja, making you its bitch. When a virus infects nasal cells, the body releases inflammatory mediators, like histamine. Histamine causes blood vessels to dilate and the mucus glands secrete fluids. This leads to the irritation that causes sneezing.

Some of these infectious agents are just savage. Of course, we are going to avoid getting them like the plague. We know about parasite-host interactions that lead to behavioral manipulations. But we seem to only study negative parasite-host interactions. I have not noticed much research looking for potential interactions…that we might deem positive. And why would we? If a positive behavior seems normal, what is there to look for?

Viruses can replicate only inside the cells of their host. A host can be an animal, plant, bacterium or fungus. The parasite manipulation hypothesis states that the parasite modifies a host’s behavior thereby increasing the probability that the parasite will pass from an intermediate host to its final host. good parenting – a creature going to an extreme to ensure the proliferation of its genes.

Zombies…usually share a few common traits. They have no sense of right or wrong, no ability to plan, no impulse control, indications of brain loss. However, they still have basic motor control, are driven by hunger.

Sounds exactly like my last boyfriend who was also a chronic cheater. I offer you proof of sex zombies. I submit “exhibit A” the need to lie to stay in a relationship, while transmitting asymptomatic viruses to innocent victims too silly to wait to have sex till they’ve diagnosed this potential new mate. “Exhibit B” potential mates are not drawn to me during my optimal window of conception. I haven’t had those kind of hormones flowing in ten years.

Share Audience stories/ideas

I would like to introduce next week’s episode. Next week’s episode is about Vibrations. Sound vibrations soothe an infant, at the same time, the army uses sound vibration as a weapon. Why is some music considered romantic? Where do these emotions come from just because we listen to a song? Elders find peace hearing oldies but goodies. It can restore their minds temporarily and bring up intense memories. There is research being done on the therapeutic qualities of music. Did babies ever get smarter when listening to Beethoven or was that a seller’s scam?

We want you guys to submit your ideas/stories/and questions pertaining to next week’s topic. You can email us. Or, join our patreon. We want to hear from you. And if you got anything out of today’s episode “share the love”, subscribe, and rate us.

Thank you so much everyone for listening. We love you. See you next week on Dating Hypothesis!!!

Music ends show

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