Ep 5: Absorbed in Our Partners

If the skin can absorb Topical Medications like Nicotine, Fentanyl, Nitroglycerine and Ensam, are we absorbing our partner’s chemical profusion? Can we use our partners as medicine or can they poison us? Breast milk contains stem cells and areola can detect child’s saliva so what else has a mechanism for chemical composition updating?

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Rachel: “I don’t need to eat or drink. I can get everything I need by rolling around in my boyfriend’s sweat, and sucking on his…


Lips.! by sucking on his lips! Geesh, pervert…

Me!? Of the two of us you are definitely the pervert.

You read the article I sent you right?

Kayla: “Are you talking about the research done by Dr. Brown? The article is called “The Role of Skin Absorption as a Route of Exposure for Volatile Organic Compounds in Drinking Water?” 

Rachel: “Yes I am, that’s the one.”

Music Intro

Hey everyone, my name is Kayla

And this is Rachel with Dating Hypothesis, thank you so much for joining us today!

We have genes whose function it is to suppress other genes. And as we die, so do the suppressor genes. The genes that had been suppressed can activate once they are freed from suppression.

Kayla, This study goes into detail about how chemicals absorb through our skin from tap water, what does skin absorption, or gene suppression have to do with dating? 

Well, my question is… in a relationship what gets suppressed? 

My free will! 

What in ourselves, bounces back when we leave an abusive relationship? In other words, are we absorbing negative energy in a toxic relationship? Do we believe negative comments-made about us, enough to suppress our own true nature? Can the simple act of removing a toxin create a better environment?

Add “Two Beats”

  • Begin conversation: We are going to cover the good, the bad, and the ugly in today’s conversation. Let’s start with The good

There is research showing topical medications are very effective.  

There are so many chemicals absorbable through our skin like nicotine, opioids, antidepressants, anti-nauseants, Estrogen, Testosterone, Birth control, blood pressure medication, Alzheimer’s drugs. 

Skin absorption can be better than oral absorption, because our stomachs can render certain medications useless.

So, topical medications = good.

Do we absorb medications from our partner? 

Do we become altered by: a hormone they may have in high-quantities? On the opposite end of that spectrum, what benefits can we absorb from our partner

Yes, but the real question is Can we use our medicated partners as medicine? Or a healthy partner as a nutritional source? Are we absorbing their secretions”?Cause like realistically if I could make my husband a little less crabby at the end of the work day by sweating some of my anti anxiety meds on him that would be phenomenal!

Why do we have proof humans benefit from skin absorbable medications? Because that research brings in billions of dollars in profit. It feels like science today is limited to corporate greed? Do we even research purely out of curiosity anymore ?

Yes we do. Male reproductive systems are researched a lot. Not so much women’s reproductive biology. And almost no research on couple’s human biology. So much human biology can be dormant. Bits of human biology swell up “in action” when needed. We have all this fancy expensive scanner equipment to spy on human biology but we don’t even understand most of what we are looking at. Each machine in a lab looks at different mechanisms in biology using different scanning technology.

They must have had a lot of men swelling up inside scanners for the sake of research.

You have to pair the correct technology with the correct biological phenomenon while it is happening in real time to even see it. Cadavers are no help.

Yeah, they are all dried up and dead. Fun to dissect but not much for looking at functional biology.

What do you mean “fun to dissect”?

My semester cadaver lab was hands down my favorite course. Being able to carefully remove each organ

When you say “each organ” like which ones specifically?

All of them. Yes, I even removed the penis. I got to dissect it lengthwise and was able to see inside the testes. It was incredible to be able to see the inside of a human body layer by layer.

What was your favorite part to dissect?

The brain because you know…it’s the brain. But honestly my favorite body part is the trochlea in the eye sockets.

You mean the little loop found in the eye socket made out of cartilage? It’s a pulley for the eye muscle?

Yeah, it’s stuff like that that really stumps me. Sends me spinning in awe at our design.

I get angry about all the research done on the male biology system but not women’s. Hell, we can’t even agree if squirting is a real thing. And we have no idea where it comes from if it is real. We don’t know why or where women ejaculate from. Ejaculate is a different material than squirting. It’s possible squirting comes from the skene glands. Scientists are saying only some women have skene glands. But since no one knows and scientists can’t get proper funding to find out, we may never know.

I miss the days when you could grab some random orphan off the streets and do unethical experiments. People are so protected today we can’t figure anything out scientifically. Sure, we are all safe in today’s society knowing research is ethical, but where is that really getting us?

Rachel, that’s not okay. Why does topical absorption fascinate you so much?

Because after dating several men who were prescribed multiple medications, I realized I just might be more stable myself when I am in that kind of contact. I tend to be emotionally and mentally unstable by myself or with a normal partner. I notice a difference in myself if my partner is on medication like that. I found myself drawn to men on anti-anxiety, antidepressants, and prescribed sleeping pills. Could I be getting positive absorption of their medications from their skin, sweat, saliva, and sperm?

Are you sensitive to chemicals?

Yes, very. When I garden and put my bare hands in a bag of fertilizer I taste it immediately in my mouth. It’s like instantaneous absorption through my skin into my bloodstream.

In episode one, we talked about androstadienone in male sweat raising cortisol levels in women through the olfactory passages. Women are also exposed to it from male saliva and semen. Sex-steroid hormones are low molecular weight and lipophilic, thus being good candidates for absorption across the skin barrier.

If we smell it in their sweat are we also absorbing it from their sweat, saliva, and semen during sex?

I guess first I should ask you: “what does “raises a woman’s cortisol levels, even mean? 

We know smelling a guy, spikes our levels of alertness because cortisol is the body’s stress hormone.

Cortisol’s catabolic mechanisms provide energy to the body.

Right! and receptors for cortisol are everywhere in our body. Because they are in most of the tissue throughout our body, nearly every organ in our system is affected. In other words our nervous system 

We get skittish! Or feel giddy , 

our Immune system,

Maybe when we are in the beginning throes of love we are not as susceptible to disease?

Cardiovascular system

Our heart races, 

Respiratory system

We breath faster, 

Reproductive system

Our ovaries spasm and our uterus swoons, 

And our Muscular system

We clench up, 

Plus our skeletal, and skin systems are altered by cortisol levels. Personally, when I am flooded with cortisol after being near some hottie, my skin is on high alert. It gets super sensitive. 

Our sympathetic nervous system gears up causing a fight or flight response leading to general arousal which leads to sexual arousal if he is what we are seeking in a mate

Tall, dark, and handsome?

No, Strong, masculine, and quiet. But can I assume you like tall dark and handsome?

I do prefer tall, dark, and handsome with a pinch of personality or mental disorder sprinkled in.

You know rach, your “type” scares me a little babe.

Cortisol also increases the availability of blood glucose to the brain. Salivary cortisol levels are thought to correlate with the levels of free cortisol in plasma and serum. 

All we are talking about is androstadienone in male sweat raising cortisol levels in women.

Yup. One chemical exchange from the male to the female potentially via nasal cavity, mouth, skin, and vaginal canal.

So basically all of her holes.

Not her ears!

Well I hear some have a fetish for that…

Absorption through the skin is done by passive diffusion. It depends on concentration, duration of contact, solubility, physical condition of skin, and the body parts exposed. Under the tongue, and inside your mouth, there are tiny blood vessels where drugs can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream without going through your digestive system, This is a common way nausea medications are prescribed, after 9 months of morning sickness it was my daily go to. 

Okay, so what could we potentially be absorbing from our partners? We know the trace minerals and metals in our sweat include:  Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, amino acids, chloride ions, Zinc, Copper, Iron, Chromium, Nickel, Lead, hormones, metabolites like ammonia, urea, uric acid, lactate and pyruvate; Fatty acids, lactic acid, and drug molecules. It is important to note the chemical composition of perspiration varies between individuals.

Skin covers us head to toe, but some areas are able to absorb better. There are some substances that have a 100% absorption rate like our underarms and genital areas. This is why some products warn about external use only and not to rub certain things on your sensitive bits. A warning that often makes me wonder, who would be dumb enough to…

Liquids like sweat, saliva, and semen are a watery substance that holds absorbable materials.

And I know I absorb stuff from these liquids. My skin is so sensitive. I can tell when my partner has sex with another woman. Not only can I smell it on him. I can smell it in him. His entire body scent changes. His breath, nis neck, his chest, and his abdominal area.  I get this ookie, crawly, undulating, feeling in my whoohaa. You know like when your vagina convulses to push out ooky stuff from up in there. It’s gross. I hate it when a guy cheats on me and gets her biodome up inside my vagina. I get this crudgina feeling in my vagina. Like my canal is trying to sluff off sludge from up in there.

Well, that was disgusting. What happens when you are allergic to their sweat or saliva?

And semen, I have been allergic to men’s semen! Some of us are actual delicate flowers. There have been a few men I was having sex with and I would start breaking out into a full body rash. The worst lasted 24 hours even after 2 showers. I have no idea what was in that man’s sweat. But it was toxic as fuck. I get serious aversions to certain men’s saliva or breath. Like more than just unpleasant. More like painfully overpowering.

So what is it like when you are compatible with a man’s chemistry, hopefully less…crudgey?!?

Heaven. Bliss. That’s when I start spouting poetry. Ask any of them. There have been a couple dozen men I spouted poetry to, for years. It’s like there is something in each of their fluids that I would die without.

 Agreeable semen= Shakesperian Rachel.. Got it…

You know when your vagina gets that little heartbeat, pulsating, butterfly feeling and your vagina starts tugging inside you turning into a chinese finger catcher but a chinese pussy catcher for his dick.

I am going to carefully and delicately move us onto another topic. Did you know Breast milk contains stem cells?

I did not,

There is a study suggesting our areola has a feedback loop for updating milk composition using data in the infants saliva. Which if true means…Our boobs analyze baby spit!!! It suggests the timeline of milk immune adjustment is relative to infection and symptoms of illnesses in infants.

If this is true then “what else” has a feedback loop?

Well, the breast isn’t the only place we put our mouths.

There is another place humans shoot liquid out of their bodies for the direct purpose of another intaking that liquid.

The penis pees and ejaculates from the same hole. Two purposes for one device: waste removal and the creation of life itself. And man, can semen taste like the device is for both. I have dated a lot of men in my life

How many?

I don’t know. I mean, what is the definition of dating? We will do an episode specific to that definition episode 8 I believe but don’t quote me.

Well, there are coffee dates.

I have been on 400 Tinder coffee dates in the last 6 years. I was interested in two dozen of them? Only 4 of those turned into love. They say dating is all about numbers. I seem to hover around 6% as my number of wanting to date men I meet under potential circumstances. The other 380 just gave me the heebie jeebies.

So, you did not sample the sperm of 380 of them. How many sperm samples have you had in your life?

Such a lady-like question. Again I don’t know for certain but I would guess right around the 200 mark.

“whoa raychel what kind of protein diet are you on!!!” 

Semen is vastly different man-to-man. The differences encompass watery, thick, dense, lumpy, healthy feeling versus offensive textures like some of their viscosities have layers of quantitative differences, some is coagulated like cottage cheese,

Uh, that must have been the worst?

No. Old man poof powder semen is the worst. It’s not just gross, it’s vomitus. Like a cartoon it literally comes out in a puff of poofy dust with a little lump of congealed semen glob at the end. It is so disgusting.

How old does a guy have to be to have that?

I notice it in some men around 60 but definitely any man over 70. If we are rewritten by semen…what does congealed semen do to us?

And, well I cant believe I am asking buuuut the best semen?

The best semen begs to be swallowed.

Does pineapple affect the taste of semen?

It could be what a man eats, compatible genetics, toxins in his system, and what we are talking about today, maybe he has excess medication in his system your body craves? I don’t know what makes some taste good, but when it does I am also attracted to his mouth. My last boyfriend tasted so good. His body, tongue, everything we would deep kiss for hours and he would suckle my tongue like a baby on a tit. The gates to heaven were in this man’s mouth.

When it’s good like that, I want to eat my partner whole, or absorb myself completely into him. Do you ever want to crawl inside their skin and nestle there?

All sorts of sensory receptors are found within the skin to force our body away from danger like hot stoves. Would receptors draw us towards potential sources of need?”

Remember when facials were all the rage? (use infomercial voice: “Your partner’s sperm has spermine, which is an antioxidant. When used as a mask it can help reduce wrinkles, smooth skin and prevent acne. Thus, giving your skin that overall healthy glow.”)   

Yeah, she’s glowing alright!

Speaking of all the fun things you can do with sperm, my brother and his wife were trying to get pregnant. He was looking online for every conceivable trick to help, including voodoo. He read an article stating “if the woman swallows sperm it can help prepare her body to implant his offspring”.

This is in line with the hypothesis that the gut has the most adequate absorption in the absence of an inflammatory environment, and seminal fluid contains soluble HLA antigens which can already induce maternal immune tolerance towards inherited paternal antigens of the fetus before implantation.

I am about spermed out for a while. Let’s talk about sweat.

Can sweat be a toxin removal system, cooling system, and mate adjustment/detection system giving off what is needed to create balance in the partner?

Can we get data from our partner’s sweat to inform us of impending problems? Dogs and cats can sniff out diseases, such as cancer, in their owners. There is also a sweat chloride test to determine if you have cystic fibrosis. Are we litmus strips tracking our partner’s health? Have you ever gotten a sense that something was wrong with your partner? Could you imagine post coitus snuggle and sniffing your partner, “my goodness dear is that a hint of cancer I smell?”

I feel like I can smell or taste sickly men. I was married four times. Their scent would change when they were getting sick.I have tasted and smelled fear on men. My third husband was a chronic cheater. I could smell it on his breath when he was lying to me.

The ideas about nutrition and medication absorption are fascinating ideas. I’m more interested in the energy levels we absorb. Right now we are focused on the good, so let’s talk about what we get out of a relationship that way. We know how important it is for humans to connect. There was a monkey experiment done by a man named Harry Harlow. What he found is that mammals have an innate biological need for emotional comfort through touch.

I have an ex that demonstrates this entire episode wrapped up in one man. I didn’t know at the time but he was using me to cheat on his girlfriend. He would not touch me. No holding, cuddling, touching. He threw himself off me after sex landing on the other side of the bed. We ended up dating two years later and he got super cuddly. I know men “sow their seed” but do any of them use intimacy as a form of the emotional comfort through touch without having to be in a relationship? I know they need to nut. But do they also need the physical soft touch? That interaction? I mean, if they didn’t wouldn’t  all men look for other men to get oral or butt sex? Since they all want it every hour of the day. They wouldn’t be turning each other down.

I do think some mean crave the love and physical romantic affection, I know my husband does! I think it is important for straight men to have access to women because other research shows how important the act of someone “gazing back at you” is—an interaction that spurs activity in the brain’s reward circuitry. We like proof that our behavior has an effect on another person. And romantic circuitry is more powerful than normal daily social interaction. 

Like a feedback loop!!! See, we are just a dozen body-wide feedback loops. And a feedback loop requires the absorption of something in order to give feedback. I consciously swim around in people’s brains to find connection. I purposely try to sync with a date.

Princeton University conducted experiments in brainwave syncing or coupling. They compared the brainwaves of “speaker-and-listener” in conversation. The article says quote:  “After a bit of time, the brainwaves of the listener matched the brainwaves of the speaker.” The research continues, “The more aligned the brainwaves are, the greater the comprehension of the listener”. “Your brain “as an individual” is really determined by the brains you’re connected to.” I am one of those people that unintentionally starts mimicking speech patterns of the people around me and this is referred to as “The Chameleon Effect”. I can’t tell you how many times my accent has adjusted to people as I talk to them.

The idea of heartbeat, breath, and brainwave synchronicity is fascinating to me. Human connection is psychologically imperative to our health. Tactile interaction is essential. Sensory deprivation is a real thing.

Basically, Our flesh is a giant apparatus, gathering data from stimuli. And without that continual feedback we go crazy. 

This aligns with my hypothesis that our senses are a two-way street. And that communication – is one of our senses. (Standing still somewhere without thoughttaking it all in…is not true sensory input). True sensory input requires interacting with the environment. If we lay in bed for days on end taking in sensory input our bodies would go numb and atrophy.

Relying on stimuli from devices like television, offers no emotional support. It is such a cold dead impersonal non-interaction. Hell there is a reason people say we become screen zombies.

We can’t just take in sensory data like a dead person. Touching something soft or dangerous requires Our Touching it.

Radio, podcasts, and social media have, actual human beings behind the device instead of fake television characters acting. Thats right folks we are in fact humans, weird ones albeit but real humans no less.

And, if too much stimuli approaches us, we shut down, to protect our mental state. Again, proving sensory input requires our interaction. Two-way street my friend.

My personal belief is that we are walking-talking oobleck. As long as you stay in motion, we’re solid. If you stop moving, you become liquid. 

What the fuck is oobleck?

You know? That Kids goop, made from cornstarch and water.

Oh shit year my oldest loves that stuff, one of his favorite sensory exploration experiments, but you are saying I am a puddle if I don’t get up and move? 

I fall apart without conversation, orgasms, anticipation from future planning. So yes, I turn into a puddle. I get sensory deprivation quite easily. I get super lonely. Agitated. Depressed. I need people. Even if i’m in a room full of strangers who engage in horrid tavisties, I’d rather be there, than alone. 

So the people around you is what keeps you going or keeps you a solid body of oobleck? 

Yes! And like research done by Sedato we know, eye connection is imperative. So, If you are in a relationship with someone who is starving you, you need to leave. It is important to be with someone who wants to talk to you, touch you, eat with you, look you in the eyes…

There is a study by Dr. Pavel Goldstein that shows couples syncing together physiologically by just sitting together. The study added a pain component to see what happens. Pain severs that synchronization, unless they are holding hands. There is a decrease in reported pain when the couple is allowed to hold hands again. Goldstein found, the more empathy a man showed for the woman, the more her pain subsided during touch. The more their heart rates and breathing matched, the less pain she felt. Over the duration of his experiments, he noted that women adjust to their partners more. Her heart rate is linked to her partner’s. It makes sense, what’s the first thing we reach for when pushing out a baby? Our partners hand to give it a good crushing squeeze.

It’s like giving validity to something we all know. A company called TheTouch has developed a HeartBeat ring for couples that allows you to see and feel your partner’s heartbeat in real time. The ring connects to Bluetooth. You can pair your ring with your partner’s band using the TheTouch app. The ring captures your heartbeat using a sensor. Any time you double tap your ring, you can feel your partner’s heartbeat in real time and see the ring light up to the beat.

With a ring like that we can feel emotions towards our partners in more than just one part of our body, when we can see his heartbeat. It’s like mixing senses. And our brain seems to love that. Also for the record I would fiddle with that damn thing all the fucking time.

The brain is made up of different areas. Each area has specific functions like processing sight or sound. Different areas can have different brain waves at the same moment in time. These different brain areas can link together by neurons and by synchronized brainwaves. Synchronized waves in differing brain areas, is the act of forming new communication circuits.

So, If our thoughts are brain waves (and not the action potentials traveling along axons)…

and the action potentials traveling along axons are our neurons linking to muscles and the rest of our body

then it is super important for multiple areas of our brains to think-sync causing physical neuronal changes…

in order for our brain to connect properly to our body…

if an abusive partner continually interrupts our synchronization…

that may be the reason abused feel foggy and disoriented all the time.

Yeah, it could also be something research shows as driven synchronization whereby a pendulum of one clock influences the swing of the pendulum of another clock. So, If he forces you to be in sync with him through continual abuse…you will become his person. You will be absorbed into him. Yours will become his mentality.

This is the perfect segway into the bad section of our conversation. But first…

What do you believe is absorbable? Chemicals in sweat? Energy? Personality? Would you like to see more research done on topics involving the connections between partners and their chemistry both romantically and on a biological level? Do you think medication can be absorbed from their skin into your own skin or from mouth-to-mouth contact? Have you felt different between partners who were medicated versus not medicated? Do you feel in sync with your partners? How? Physically? Psychologically? Do you feel your breath or heartbeat get in sync with them? What does it feel like to clearly not be in sync with your partner? Write to us on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.

– Let’s take a quick Commercial break, we will be right back. (wait 3 seconds) And we are back.

Episode Five : Commercial Spot one: (32:36) 

Add “Two Beats”

** Resume conversation: Let’s get into The Bad

There is research showing we absorb toxins. To what degree can absorbed toxins affect your health?

It depends on your health immediately prior to the absorption, (like what you eat, drink, how often you exercise, and what other toxins have you absorbed?). What is the concentration of the toxin? What is the time-frame of your exposure (short term or long term?) How much skin surface was affected? What is your body weight?

Dermal absorption of contaminants is a given. Contaminants exit through our sweat. So the question is, Can our partners poison us when we bathe in their sweat during sex or when holding their sweaty palms?

Generally, sweat is a simple composition; however, sweat samples can be processed further if lipid or protein fragments exist. This is where heat comes into effect. Many compounds and absorption rates and routes are affected by heat, making absorption possible in the first place. 

Which must be why the day Spa clinician puts a hot rag over your pores.

We’ve talked about the positive drug therapies absorbed by our skin that we may glean from our partners. But what if we don’t want those positive drug therapies? I may not want to absorb the excretions of antidepressants from my partner’s body? And what about drugs like cocaine, codeine, morphine, heroin, opioids, amphetamine, methamphetamine, methadone, marijuana, and phencyclidine? 

Disease causes sweat to contain different biomarkers of particular diseases, like cancer, diabetes, schizophrenia, and cystic fibrosis. 

These are detectable in sweat analysis like you said. “If it is detectable” is it absorbable?

Hormones have very strong actions in the body. Our skin generates and metabolizes hormones.

Particularly, androstadienone, growth hormone, neuropeptides, sexual steroids, glucocorticoids, retinoids, vitamin D, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor ligands and eicosanoids. Which makes me wonder if these are on our skin are they swappable between partners?

One of the roles of testosterone in women is mood regulation. Both men and women can be testosterone heavy or deficient. What if we need the excess hormones given off from our partners, we often see partner sets of super masculine men with ultra feminine women, is this the reason why?

We all have toxic metals in our bodies. Maybe you’ve heard brown rice from Asia can have high levels of arsenic in it? Some groundwaters and foods have elevated toxic elements (Shellfish, grains, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, collard greens, kale, and turnips can have cadmium from fertilizers. Fish can be high in mercury). Smoking exposes you to cadmium and lead. Electronics and batteries contain toxins. Older products with paint, wood preservatives, or plumbing can have high levels of toxins. And if someone has bad kidneys, they are more likely to sweat out the toxins.

If you feel like you or your partner has a job involving toxic metals you can choose a good diet with the vitamins and minerals needed to remain healthy including cilantro, garlic, wild blueberries, lemon, spirulina, chlorella, barley grass, atlantic dulse, curry, green tea, tomatoes, probiotics, supplements, and chelation therapy can help excrete toxins.

What does a good diet do to toxic metals?

Toxic metals bind to the sulphur-containing peptides in garlic and broccoli to be excreted and prevent kidney damage. But, as you noted, toxic metals are drawn to certain foods through the soil so there is that.

Yeah, that’s one of the reasons I try to eat organic local foods when possible. Not that I know what Farmer Brown’s soil composition is.

Saliva. Seems fairly simple. It is a fluid in your mouth to break down food. But what is saliva really? It is urea, ammonia, uric acid, glucose, cholesterol, fatty acid, triglycerides, neutral lipid, glycolipid, amino acid, steroid hormones, mucin, amylase, lectin, glycoprotein, lysozyme, peroxidase and lactoferrin, a million microbes plus 700 microorganisms specific to diseases. hCG levels in saliva are detectable at 4 weeks of pregnancy and continue to increase throughout the pregnancy.- Which makes me wonder why I gotta piss on a stick on in a cup, why can’t I just spit in a tube, you know how many sticks I peed on during that first 2 years of trying for my first kid?

You can swab the mouth to test for DNA, disease, drugs, hormones, and toxins. Methamphetamine up to four days, marijuana for 24 hours, cocaine for 72 hours, Heroin and other opiates for 36 hours, the metabolites from diazepam, nordiazepam, temazepam, and oxazepam, can yield detection up to 10 days, MDMA for 24 hours. Alcohol. cancer, diabetes, and pesticides can all be found in saliva. 

Have I made myself clear! Saliva is not just spit! It’s a chemical shit storm! So my question is: “what are we absorbing when we kiss someone”?

hCG is present in a pregnant woman’s mouth. Hmmm. Doesn’t hCG stimulate men’s testicles to make more testosterone while lowering sperm count?

It does. So, what benefit is more testosterone and less sperm in a new daddy when his woman is pregnant?

Yes, what could be the benefit of that?

So, ladies, when you pregnant, get that kiss ON

Kayla, I don’t understand the hCG levels joke, why is it funny that hCG levels are detectable in a womens saliva thus possibly getting absorbed by her mate?

When hCG stimulates a man’s testicles to make more testosterone while lowering sperm count it makes him more territorial, aggressively so. It also makes less sperm. It makes him less likely to create offspring and more likely to stay home and protect his family. Definitely helps me understand why during Tri 2 I was ready to jump my poor husband’s bones like 7 times a day!

Damn, so we really are just a flood of chemicals orchestrating a symphony of social construct.


And remember folks: “Chlamydia and other STIs can be transmitted through Mucous membranes of the lips, nostrils, and eyes, via topical application of male ejaculate

So while that facial may alleviate your wrinkles, it may forever leave you with the clap or worse!

Have you ever heard sperm was good for your skin or good for your health? Tell us interesting things you have read. I want to read the same articles. Are you a deep kisser? Do you think you could absorb anything just by kissing someone? I cannot kiss a smoker. If you are a smoker have you ever felt you could get nicotine from kissing another smoker? If you knew someone did drugs right before you had a drug test for work, would you make out with them? Do you own a pet that foretold a disease in you or a family member? Can you smell your partner or kids getting sick? Can you smell changes in their sweat or breath? Tell us your stories. We have Tic Tok and Youtube.

– We are going to take a Commercial break, we will be right back. (wait 3 seconds) And we are back.

Commercial Spot two: (41:11)

Add “Two Beats”

*** Finish conversation: Okay Rachel, Let’s finish with “The Ugly”

Toxins and medications are absorbable by your skin. What are you absorbing from your partner? Physically, mentally, or emotionally?

“Potential dose” is an amount of “contaminant applied”, not all of which is actually absorbed. 

What is your partner dishing out? Positive or negative qualities? What are you taking in? 

Human cells contain limited numbers of receptors that can be filled. We retain the ability to alter those numbers given the environment surrounding the cell. The number of receptors, changes to adapt. And so do you, you change to adapt. Whether that is to a toxic environment or a healthy environment. 

What are you going to bathe in and how many receptors are you going to dedicate to absorbing that environment?

Remember Masaru Emoto’s claims “our thoughts affect water? 

Yes, he photographed water crystals after the water received positive or negative energy from thought. 

Well, Dean Radlin did follow up research on it. Effects of Distant Intention on Water Crystal Formation: A Triple-Blind Replication. And if what they all claim to have found is true then

you should listen to Dr. Daniel Amen’s when he declares “contempt in a relationship is a guaranteed way to ruin that relationship”. Don’t let disdain be your life-long-theme at home.

So, how do we go forth in the world creating healthy happy relationships? Here is my list: stimulate the senses. All of them. Let your partner absorb all the love they need from you. Offer up what is needed. Don’t starve them until they beg. Don’t suffocate them with your psychosis.

Extroverts allow for introvert’s mild need of stimulation. Vise versa. ‘Survivors of abuse’ give what is necessary for healthy interactions. Selfish people give more to your partners. Codependents don’t smother your partners. Remember that some Neurodivergent folx need very different kinds of stimulation or lack there of. My husband and son can’t stand the stimulation of a crowded room or busy conversation, too much noise overwhelms them, but for me lack of sound is so unnerving that it has led to anxiety attacks. 

What does all this mean? Make sure you are talking to your partner. Because communication is the most important of all of our bi-directional senses. Eat healthy foods with your partner. Hold them. Don’t just grab their pussy/tits/or ass…Caress them (none sexually) way more often, than you ask for sex. Hold them. Smell nice for them. Dress-up for them every once in a while. And, if you are in a doomed relationship: just leave. Don’t take it personally. Simply leave them to bathe in their own hell.

Oh, and Rachel you know that Hair analysis finds heavy metals, recreational and prescription drugs, and chemical exposure. If we absorb our partners…is that why women cut their hair when they get out of a long ugly relationship? 

Yet, another way to free ourselves from that toxic build up!

My friend just went through a really bad break up. She moved in with me last week. She roots around in her sleep searching for him. When her foot finds mine I feel her settle down. She had absorbed him. Her dreams and future were wrapped up around him. When they split up she wanted to die. He was an extension of her. As she was purging her belongings of him, she would pick up a teddy bear and cry. When a song came on the play list she would cry. Are tears a form of detoxing or unabsorbing a partner? Has anyone analyzed tears?

Yes, tears of sadness contain the stress hormones cortisol and adrenaline.

If we absorb our partners chemicals, sync our brain waves and heart beats, get our DNA rewritten by their bodily fluids and store their DNA in our brain, exchange gut bacteria which affects our mental state, lean on them to fill in our inadequacies like remembering past events, upcoming dates and appointments,

maybe they were the one that would do all the planning or knew when bills were due?, they lovingly did the things we hate, maybe certain chores?

We absorb their communication, history, childhood memories, we are a knowledge storehouse (or diary) of their daily life, we know their body language, and we come to see them as an extension of ourselves…

when we break up it is the same as losing a limb, your mind, your history. If you are the sum of your experiences (and half of that just breaks off one day and disappears), it’s like losing half of your existence.

If you are someone that has never experienced a deep relationship, don’t know how to make something last long term, or want to have your first real love, remember:

Your relationship is the sum of your interactions, if you don’t bother interacting then you don’t have a relationship.

Share Audience stories/ideas

I would like to introduce next week’s episode. The next two episodes are a two part series. They deal with personality disorders. We are giving a trigger warning now and we will before the beginning of the next two episodes. Please be advised that we will be talking about childhood abuse including sexual abuse.

We get pretty intense. Episode 6 is how to love someone with a personality disorder. The average relationship happens pretty naturally. But, what do you do when a relationship feels wrong? How do you give that person the love THEY need?

What do they need from you to feel loved, given their disorder and symptoms displayed? Rachel has decided to open up some deep wounds and the show will contain many triggers. She plans on bringing up her own past sexual abuses. 

The episode following that, episode 7 will discuss how to protect yourself when in relations with someone displaying personality disorder traits while choosing to stay in the relationship. Keeping yourself safe while getting the love you need from them.

We want you guys to submit your ideas/stories/and questions pertaining to next week’s topic. You can email us. Or, join our patreon. We want to hear from you. And if you got anything out of today’s episode show us some love, subscribe, and rate us.

Thank you so much everyone for listening. We love you. See you next week on Dating Hypothesis!!!

Music ends show

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