Ep 1: Transformative Vessel: How women morph for a man

Fruit flies’ seminal fluid rewrite their partner’s DNA. Could a similar phenomenon happen in Humans? With any fluid exchange? Pheromones? Sweat? Saliva while kissing? Does male DNA get into a female’s brain and stick around afterward? If the brain is regulated and affected by chemicals then would his chemicals change her brain?

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Rachel: I should have worn a CONDOM last night. I’m dealing with the epigenetic changes this guy is causing my body and brain.

Kayla “Are you talking about the article by Dalton et al? “Dynamic, mating-induced gene expression changes in female head and brain tissues of Drosophila melanogaster”

Yes, I am, that’s the one!

**Add music intro**

Hey everyone, my name is Kayla!

And this is Rachel with Dating Hypothesis, thank you so much for joining us on our very first episode!!!

The main results of the research showed the physical changes to a female host by the seminal fluids surrounding a male’s sperm.

I am a female. So, everytime I have unprotected sex my DNA is being rewritten?

Proteins within the seminal fluid are released into the female which travel throughout her body. All in all, the researchers were able to identify 237 gene changes to the female’s head, brain tissue, and lower body portions within two hours of mating. 545 gene changes occurred 72 hours after mating.

Have you ever been with someone and the sex is so good that you dont want to be with anyone else? Almost like you are hooked?

Women have intense hormonal and chemical reactions to male’s before and after mating. Imagine if everyone we passed on the street had this effect on us? We would be immobilized, unable to get to work. Thank god intense attractions are rare.

Well for us, but I think men are intensely attracted to anything that walks. Can you imagine? Getting a boner everytime you see a female?

I am so glad I am not a man.

We are going to discuss the changes a female goes through during different stages of the mating ritual. We will discuss how gene expression is turned up or down like a volume knob. The first changes begin when a woman looks at a man, even if it is from across the room. The second changes occur when she is near him and his pheromones and hormones can reach her. The third changes happen when she choses foods outside her norm when she is on a date with him. The fourth changes kick-in, when they touch and start to exchange simple skin bacteria.

And those are just the subtle changes. Things really amp up when fluids are exchanged. The fifth changes start with saliva, during kissing.The sixth changes happen when oral gets more personal than kissing. When you are face deep dancing inside their pants, a person’s mouth, nose, and eyes are exposed to their partner’s genital bacteria. Especially when the anus is involved. If you need an example I will just say “pink eye”. When things get sweaty we absorb our partner through our skin and pores. 

Let’s end climatically with seminal fluid in the vaginal canal (or if swallowed, in the stomach). When we break down “reproduction” to its simplest level and give real thought to the basic tasks involved, we know soil must have the proper pH balance to host a seed.

A healthy vagina is normally acidic, while healthy sperm are alkaline. Sperm is ejacutlated with fluids that change the vaginal pH to prevent their inevitable doom. It also helps when she orgasms at the same time as the man since sperm is sucked up by the cervix skipping the vaginal canal all together.

The seminal fluid surrounding sperm is potent stuff. It permeates a woman, causing changes throughout her body. This needs to happen because the embryo needs to be protected by the host, not attacked, or rejected.

So, when a man makes advances on a woman he is asking to chemically change her…to dabble with her DNA. To adapt her entire body, mind, and emotions towards his biological make-up. Everything we interact with turns SOME gene, up, down, on, or off. He is transforming you to be a vessel for his seed.

When a woman turns down a man’s advances she’s just protecting her current chemical make-up. Even something as simple as sight will start these changes.

Let’s progress through today’s episode…

starting “with seeing a hottie”

ending with a scientist finding men’s DNA lodged in the brains of female cadavers.


Maybe…, Let’s pull out the research.

Add “Two Beats”

* Begin conversation

Kayla!!! There he is!


Over there. Isn’t he so cute?

No. Not really. But, you go girl.

Our chemistry changes when we are attracted to someone. Our cheeks flush. Our heart beats faster. We become shy and bold at the same time, flooded with…you guessed it, chemicals. We feel physically drawn to the person. We get a sudden desire to garden. 

I read an article stating women preferred different faces depending on where she was in her menstrual cycle. Not only does our chemistry change throughout our cycle, so does our attraction to particular features in a man.

When women are fertile, they are attracted to people who have compatible differences. Our biology finds missing puzzle pieces that complement our DNA by analyzing facial features. Biological diversity reduces the risk of inheriting undesirable traits and protects our offspring from a larger variety of diseases and environmental stressors. Once we are pregnant, we are attracted to people with similar features, indicating relatives who will nurture and help keep our babies safe.

All these chemicals get kicked up a notch when you stand near someone. Suddenly you find yourself in their chemical territory.

Sheds new light on why men are territorial

This poppy field is a three foot radius landmine of pheromones, hormones, and a magnetic field produced by the heart involved in energetic communication, referred to as cardioelectromagnetic communication. This can spike a myriad of physiological changes in a woman.

I myself am picky. When I am on a date I know within four seconds if I am going to have sex with them or not. Some people need time to warm up to a man to feel the attraction. I don’t. Warming up has never happened to me. I either feel it right away or I never do. And I can fixate on someone just from their looks “like we all do with celebrities”. If I get within a few feet of a crush I usually become obsessed with them. It’s like they get burned into my mind and they are all I can think about. When I am going steady with someone my every thought is about them. All my decisions. The way I plan my day, week, and month. I hate condoms. They irritate my insides. When I like a man I immediately fall in love with him. I guess for me, there is no liking someone. I’m either “Meh”, or falling in love. And I can figure that out by looking at their body as I walk up to them and then looking into their eyes when I shake their hand. At that moment the thought of them swirling their tongue inside my mouth either makes me want to gag or I want to throw them down right there and claim them.

Kayla on how she knows when she is attracted to a man

Male sweat contains andrastadienone. If a man sees a hot woman and his blood flows making his sweat glands kick in, he exudes andrastadienone. Women within his vicinity will be affected by the andrastadienone. It raises their cortisol levels. Cortisol works like an alarm system waking up her Sympathetic Nervous System which arouses her genitals, nipples, and increases her mood. Perks her up a bit. 

It cooperates with your brain to regulate mood, motivation, and fear. It’s made in your adrenal glands. Cortisol receptors are found in most of your body’s cells. Each receives and uses cortisol in different ways.

  • Cortisol affects how your body uses carbohydrates, fats, and proteins
  • Keeps inflammation down
  • Regulates your blood pressure
  • Increases your blood sugar (glucose) Activating a boost of energy
  • Controls your sleep/wake cycle

But note…cortisol is a stress hormone. When your body is on high alert, cortisol can alter or shut down functions that hinder escape. Like your digestive, reproductive, and immune system.

So, smelling sweaty men is healthy but…staying in a-long-term stressful relationship is dangerous to your health.

For $50 you can purchase a love scent with Anadrostone isolated from pigs. Does it work? We don’t know. But science is fun. If you have used a product like this please let us know if it works.

I thought researchers agreed humans don’t give off, or have receptors for pheromones?

Just because they can’t find how we exchange pheromones doesn’t mean we don’t give off or pick up those pheromones. Human biology swells up “in action” and goes dormant when not activated. Just look at Odile Fillods’ research on the clit. Up till 2016 we only knew 10% of the clitorus existed. Rummaging through dead people’s insides looking for things that “swell up” isn’t exactly productive.

Researchers are studying the capabilities of our nasal passages. A specific compound called HLA, which is related to our immune system is detectable by the human olfactory system. In 2018, we first decided humans may indeed have something functioning as a Vomeronasal Organ. We know women can identify, plus prefer men, with a dissimilar HLA from themselves. HLA stands for Human Leukocyte Antigen. When we choose partners with differing HLA our offspring are resistant to a larger variety of diseases.

For $30 you can purchase Liquid trust which claims to be made with pure human Oxytocin, a hormone and neuropeptide that is involved in emotions such as trust, social bonding, love, as a bonus it reduces stress and alleviates anxiety in the wearer as well. When you spray it on yourself it works on you and the people around you.

I was cleaning out my BF garage and came across a bottle of liquid trust. At one point in his life he either bought it for himself or for his conquests. It was half gone. I wanted to see if it worked and I wanted to try it on him so I pocketed it and sprayed it on myself every third night for three weeks till the bottle was gone. As a future wanna be research scientist I tried like crazy not to act differently knowing my own behavior would ruin the experiment. – “I want to say the stuff works” because the evenings I sprayed it, he was Way More Cuddly. But I believe I acted differently as well. So, my honest review of the stuff? Me spraying the bottle got a positive result. So, It is worth $30 for a product, because if the mere action of spraying it, makes me behave in a manner that gets my guy to cuddle with me. I mean, at that point who cares if it was a chemical working or my own manipulation that got the positive result, right? Results be results.

Golly gee, this is a lot of chemicals for not having made physical contact yet. Let’s get on with the next step and agree to go on a date.

Alright, we are on a date. We are at a restaurant. It is time to choose an entree. Do you go for your normal order? Or do you get what he gets? Do you share food? Do you ask

a few questions to feel out his food preferences then order something you think he would like to make yourself seem more attractive?

To make you more attractive? What? Who does that?

I do. Just part of the fun of having a personality disorder.

Eating with somebody promotes trust and cooperation including when you are making business deals. We sit down and break bread at church in order to bond with strangers. We are told to sit down with our families every night and have dinner. When we date the first thing we wanna do is eat.

I read a research article about fruit flies, food, and mating. They raised one batch of flies on starchy foods, they raised another on molasses. When it was time to breed…the starch flies, went for other starch flies. Same with the molasses flies. Which brings up a lot of questions.

Was food a factor in the mating preference? Or did they just mate with the flies they grew up with because they were already in love and knew each other, having spent their entire lives in the same habitat?

I would want several batches of starch flies raised separately with bunches of them raised on starch and bunces of others raised on mollasses; then introduce a female with one male from her habitat and a male from each different habitat to see if she preferred the one she was raised with.

This would help determine if it is our gut bacteria determining what we are attracted to; (influencing us to be attracted to mates with similar food preferences, so it knows it will not die off; due to the human-host changing diets in new relationships).

How exactly would gut bacteria know what someone else eats?

Maybe through smell? Maybe the body has a system using the scent of someone’s breath to help our gut bacteria detect what a potential mate eats?

Like dogs sniffing each other’s butts?


Does our DNA seek out mates willing to introduce us to a wider variety of building blocks…(which we get from food).

I’ve seen humans attracted to mates with completely different diets. Why? If our DNA is seeking complexity in our offspring, would we be attracted towards somebody that has different food preferences –which alters DNA. ? Or, do we make up our own minds unaffected by gut bacteria or DNA? We know our immune system seeks out diversity.

I want to see an experiment where all the flies get raised individually in their own habitats outside each other’s visual field and chemical bubbles. No two flies in the same box. Do individual starch flies still go for a starch fly? That might help determine if it has anything to do with the food – at all.

You said “you change your eating habits to impress the person you are dating”. Do you realize down the line; if you continue to do this for weeks on end, ignoring your own food preferences, you are actually changing your gut bacteria. If you end up breaking up with this person you may prefer these new foods?

I am prone to constipation. I eat more meat when I’m on dates.

You eat more what?

I don’t want to seem finicky or picky to my date. Down the line I crave meat because of the gut bacteria I’ve nurtured. But my DNA-make-up does not deal well with meat, so I get intestinal problems.

Once, I dated a dad with two kids who preferred spicy food. One of his children preferred mild food. The other child was open to spicy food. You can see humans bond over food. This man bonded with the spicy child during meals. I was not okay with him picking on, or mocking the mild child. I am a mild eater. There was so much relief in the boy’s eyes when I stood up for him.

Some people’s chemical make-up rejects spice from certain foods, similar to asian’s rejection of milk products. My DNA loves horseradish and wasabi, which we can all agree is spicy. However, the spice from hot peppers specifically, gives me problems. My mouth, intestine tract, and butthole, handle it poorly.

It is the chemical make-up of the product that causes the problem. Father’s should respect that more. This particular man should respect that more. He also teased me saying I was a picky eater because I wouldn’t eat foods spiced with hot peppers. But you want to know what he wouldn’t eat? Most of the things I like. He refused to eat my cooking. He was way more picky than I was. The only thing I don’t like is spice from hot peppers. 

We have bacteria all over our bodies. It can be gross to think about. But our bacteria is an extension of ourselves. We need to take care of the bacteria varieties we host.

I would like to ask our listeners if they have ever felt an attraction towards a person based on that person’s diet?

Does a mother’s diet immediately before conception, affect the gender of the child? We know sperm dies in acidic environments. Diet affects pH balances. There are so many factors involved when fertilized cells begin to divide. Is diet involved? How can we research such a concept?

I know a woman who has five male children. I asked her “if she wanted a girl”. She did. I swear if I could make this woman change her diet, I would. I want to tell her to try different foods. Change your diet for the months leading up to conception. It’s not like it’s going to hurt anything. But it could help.

If it did help, we would not be able to prove it.

Food affects our bodies so much. The number of epigenetic changes are unknown. We know epigenetic changes are passed down for several generations. If what “he’s eating” is impacting your grandchildren…maybe it is worth paying attention to. At conception, the males age, phenotypic variation, nutrition, and toxicology gets passed on.

Any change in your diet changes your gut bacteria composition. Take this into consideration when you change your eating habits to “seem more attractive to someone”. 

So if you are eating his foods, food you would never eat on your own…Can your DNA extrapolate the necessary building blocks for your own unique body chemistry, from foods it doesn’t even want

Do bacteria work in sync with, or separate from, our genes?

Do your genes know what they need to reproduce optimally? Do they drive you towards partners?

You are “what your parents ate” but that doesn’t mean your chemical make-up needs their food preferences. It needs your own food preferences.

I prefer sugar.

No, you don’t. That isn’t a preference. It is a drug addiction. Completely different from listening to your body. If you actually listened to your body while you ate sugar you would notice the symptoms…which are negative. Heart inflammation, diabetes, Cancer, depression, fatty liver…

Okay, I just love the rush.

– I want to ask our listeners if they have noticed a family with all girls or all boys. What is their diet like? Mothers have you tried specific diets to ensure gender? Do you change your eating habits when you are on a date? Do you own Liquid trust or a love scent? We have to know if it works. Tell us your stories on facebook, twitter, or Instagram.

– We are going to take a Commercial break, we will be right back.

Commercial Spot one: (22:32)

(wait 3 seconds) And we are back.

Add “Two Beats”

** Resume Conversation

In order to replicate, a virus must hijack reproductive equipment in a host cell, redirect it to ‘photocopy’ the genetic code of the virus and seal it inside a newly formed container, known as Woman.

Rachel, you can’t say that.


The date was successful. Now we get into the good stuff. Finally we get to touch the pretty girl.

What transfers more bacteria? Roller derby, kissing, or eating dirt? 124 million colony-forming units of E. coli. can be transferred in a handshake. We’ve all seen people come out of the bathroom without washing their hands. We know people that go more than 3 days without taking a shower. I know men that only wash their bedding once a year. Every handshake contains microbes. One researcher was kind enough to prove roller-derby teams shared microbes.

Demodex are face mites. We all have them. Researchers can tell your geographical ancestry based on the DNA make-up of your face mites. Our immune system keeps face mite populations in check.

I first became interested in mites after my first sugar daddy relationship. I felt twitchy after our first date. I summed it up to heeby geebies (of dating a super old man). But after a few weeks the creepy crawly feeling spread to my upper arms, shoulders, and chest area. I wasn’t itchy. It really was a creepy crawly feeling. Like something was crawling on my skin. I spent days online and stumbled across an article on face mites. Meanwhile my soft supple skin was getting little patches of rough spots. One thing old men like about young women is their soft skin. But when they pass on their mite population they infect the very skin they are attracted to. The elderly population can get an overload of face mites, for a variety of reasons. Less frequency in bathing, less laundering of towels, sheets, or cloths. These populations of tiny demodex brevis are normal unless they start migrating down the body due to overpopulation. I looked up what gets rid of face mites and settled on tea tree oil. It works. The crawly feeling went away. I had to use an exfoliator sponge on the rough spots of my skin but the oil does work.

Let’s talk about something more pleasant and “dating podcasty”. Like kissing!

We don’t just kiss mouth-to-mouth. If you are lucky, you are with a partner that takes time and enjoys kissing your nose, behind your ears

 (yeah, not in your ears bleck), 

your neck, boobies, wrists, belly, ankles. Such a rare find…a man who does it right. We know bacteria covers our skin and is in all of our crevices.

If you are the type of person that doesn’t like somebody kissing your skin or don’t like kissing people all over their body, maybe your bacteria are overly protective of their territory?

I personally love being kissed head-to-toe. When I allow a man to touch me, I really want him to touch me. I want his fingers, mouth, and body all over mine. More is not enough. I need even more than more. My favorite is when they kiss my neck or body and make the area wet and they slide their fingers through the wetness or they rub their stubble around in the wetness from their kissing. I like rough touch, light touch, well, I guess to paint a good picture, I like rolling around each other like puppies in a pile nipping and biting, pawing and licking each other. I guess my gut bacteria want all the kids in the neighborhood to come out and play.

What happens when you go in for a deep kiss? 80 million bacteria! That’s what! That’s right, you are exchanging mouth flora, the bacteria in your mouth. It goes from one host to the next. You are also exchanging DNA. One research experiment checked female saliva an hour after a deep kissing session and found male DNA still in her mouth.

If a man’s chemistry can change us as deeply as science says it makes sense the mouth is an easy gate to start those changes.

My boyfriend’s lips are the gates to heaven. When we kiss my entire being is in bliss. I can feel him inserting his soul into my soul. I can kiss him for hours. His breath, his taste, his scent, he is so dreamy.

That good huh?


We know seminal fluid contains proteins that penetrate a female’s body to make changes in her head. So, if a man’s fluids are able to insert themselves throughout a host’s body…potentially that could start with kissing. The mouth is a thin lining with capillaries close to the surface which easily absorbs medications, toxins, and nutrients so why not soil altering proteins like seminal fluid? Has anyone looked for such a thing in saliva?

This is the perfect segway into oral sex. Do you swallow or spit?

I guess it depends how eager you are for a hostile takeover.

Oh, but is it really hostile? That feeling of love coming over you when you start getting intimate with a new partner feels so good. I love feeling drunk-on-love.

We are going to talk more about gut bacteria because there is one more place some people put their mouths. 

Uh, the butt? 

Yes, the butthole. Gut bacteria produce their own neurochemicals and respond to human neurochemicals. Research articles talk about bacteria and your brain engaging in a two-way communication loop. So, by giving or receiving bacteria, you are changing the communication in your own system. There is research showing a correlation between mental health and gut bacteria.

Are you serious?


Does that mean when I kiss some poor guy, or he gives me under the panty fanny shenanigans he could be giving me or curing my mental illnesses?

I am not really sure what you just said.

I always thought it was weirder in the posterior, but you’re saying if a chump wants to crump my rump, let him because my happiness may depend on it?

It’s possible, I might have said that.

The good gut bacteria produce neuroactive substances that interact with the vagus nerve reducing depression and lowering anxiety. It has been noted that gut bacteria give off psychotropic properties, can lower brain seizures, augment spatial memory, and improve problem solving. Bacteria are in every crevice of our bodies, every hole, and affect our health.

I don’t like anything about butts. I don’t even like having a butt. I don’t want my or their fingers in either person’s butt. I don’t want his wanker in my butt. I don’t want a tongue in my butt. I only ate ass once and it was akin to being raped. If that is offensive to women that have actually been raped then I should change that to “it was akin to being made to eat poop straight out of someone’s asshole”. I needed a ride home after a party that went till 4am. The guy took me to a home, alright. His home. He kept shoving my face closer and closer to his bung hole till I had to do it. It was so difficult not to vomit up inside his anus. I still hate that man with my entire being even though I see him sometimes and smile politely since he did eventually take me home.

Kaylas opinion on anal

My boyfriend has a bag of butt plugs he uses on all his conquests. I hate thinking about it. I don’t care that he sleeps with other women. It just grosses me out that he uses the same vibrator and butt plugs on all his sloppy shlong servicers. His excuse is “he washes them between uses.” Gaghjoghdidfghghf

Kayla’s opinion in used sex toys

I have babysat kids and have my own child. I insist on morning showers or baths. It is so gross when a child sits on your lap in the morning rubbing your face with their tiny little hands that smell like they were scratching their ass all night.

And children are not the only ones. Adults get their fluids everywhere in bed, we use sheets to wipe certain body parts, scratch ourselves then hug our pillows, during Oral Sex we get our hands and faces into places I am not mentioning. 

You mean when someone decides to fiddle her in her posterior?

So let’s recap gut bacteria. We know general human-to-human interaction affects the quantity, quality, and variety of our bacteria. Bacteria gets exchanged during fluid swap…Kissing, oral sex, and anal sex. We know what we eat affects our bacteria and interaction with poop affects it.

Speaking of poop…what do you know about Faecal transplants?

I know it is now accepted as an effective treatment for Ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, Cirrhosis, MS, Depression, Obesity, and food allergies. If you have one of these chronic conditions there is a possibility a poop transfer would help. Ask your doctor today.

Twelve years ago, I read an article explaining what gut bacteria does for us. We humans can only break down our food so far, we have enzymes and chemicals that do this but we are unable to access the nutritional building blocks in food until bacteria consume it, poop it out, and then we absorb the bacteria’s poop. And that folks, is how we get our nutrition. Bacteria are the extra step needed to break down food small enough for our body to actually use the building blocks being released by the food. Just as a worm processes organic material in your garden recycling the contents to nutrients, so does your gut bacteria process organic material in your gut so you can access the nutrients.

Should we purchase probiotics?

I don’t see why? Organic, locally grown food is a better way to get the proper gut bacteria you need.

There are so many things that can go wrong in a chemistry experiment. If delicate experiments require the correct ingredients — what outcome do you expect when creating life with someone?

I guess what I am asking is…How important could it be to have the senses connected to the facilitation of reproduction working properly? Should you trust your own intuition about a potential mate?

Today’s episode is about breeding. Men are very territorial about the women they fuck. They want someone without experience. The more virginal the better when it comes to bearing their seed.

It’s called telegony. Horse and dog breeders have known about it for years. The terminology dates back to ancient Greek. Darwin believed in it. And it may be the science behind the “she must be virginal” theory men hold fast to. We have spent this episode supporting the Victorian era rules requiring men and women to distance themselves from each other and neither one of us believes or lives that way.

There are several science articles showing past sexual encounters do affect the characteristics of offspring conceived in the future using different donor male sperm. Advances in our understanding of inheritance were noted in 2014 by Crean. The team revealed offspring-parent resemblance that could not be explained by the transmission of donor genes in the current sperm. Males transmit their environmentally acquired conditions to future female offspring mated to other males. 

What this seems to mean is environmental factors epigenetically change males who pass on those changes somehow to a female’s future offspring during different matings no matter what male does the impregnating. The female body detects environmental conditions from seminal fluid. So you can lock her in a deep bunker from birth so she is not affected by the earth’s surface environment and mate her with several men who will let her body know what the surface is like then impregnate her and the offspring will be born able to survive the surface environment when the men raise the child above ground?

Pascoal in 2018 did experiments on the burying beetle. It showed smaller male’s seminal fluid affected female egg size. Females produce more offspring when her eggs are smaller. The smaller males caused each larva to be smaller, even those they do not sir themselves. This is a non-genetic inheritance of offspring in body size, and shows telegony.

Simmons did a study in 2019 finding results as well to support non genetic paternal effects on offspring, reporting is seems to be widespread in insects.

And don’t forget Lord Morton’s mare case. The curious traits passed on to her foal from a previous mate before the daddy got her pregnant.

Men have this intense need for women to be chased and pure. Maybe there is a reason they feel this way? I am not sure I would want my kids to take on a previous mate’s traits. When I am finally ready to breed I want to look at the package I am breeding with to guess what my kids will end up like.

So if that’s true, wouldn’t that change me first before it changed my offspring?

Is this relevant to “the need for genetic diversity”? If a woman feels the need to sleep with more than one man in her lifetime…maybe she is just making sure her children get all the genetic diversities available? If she sleeps with men who have desirable traits there is a chance these traits will get passed on no matter who she ends up breeding with. I personally have noticed a portion of women out there hate using condoms. Is she choosing to optimize her children’s chances at receiving beneficial traits?

Do proteins from his seminal fluid drive straight to my eggs? Are they bee-lining to my ovaries dumping themselves onto the genetic make-up of my eggs? Some kids look like genetic copies of a man. Would multiple matings change the eggs every time? Adding traits during each copulation? Would these proteins change a woman during every mating? Is that why couples start to look alike after being married for 10 or 20 years?

Why is there male DNA in women’s brain cadavers?

At this point it is anyone’s guess. Based on research done with mice it is assumed to be male DNA from prior pregnancies. Essentially, if a woman carries a boy in her womb, his DNA travels to her brain. But the pregnancy history of the cadavers was unknown. Two of the cadavers showed a history of no sons. This could mean a miscarriage, abortion, adoption, or absorbtion of a male twin while in her mother’s womb. It could be cross contamination during cadaver preparation. The researchers chose to evaluate their positive results conservatively. The true values might be higher. 63% of the female cadavers tested positive for male DNA throughout their brains. The oldest cadaver was 94 years old suggesting it persisted from early adulthood. Male DNA was not present in all the cadavers. Concentrations varied. Those with high concentrations differed in deposit location. The study did not have access to relatives or sexual partner’s DNA.

So, it could be past sexual partners?

No one has disproved that. But its not likely.

 But, it could be past sexual partners?

Yes, Rachel, it could be.

The study found women with more male DNA in their brains were less likely to have suffered from Alzheimer’s disease—hinting that the male DNA could help protect the female’s brain.

So, on the off chance this male DNA actually came from male sexual partners. I plan on sleeping with a few more hot guys with desirable traits and I will not be using a condom.

Oh, Rachel. That’s your take-away from this episode?

View yourself as a host, subject to modification for the implantation of a seed, it’s okay to be picky about who you let near you. Who gets to breathe on you. Who gets to touch you. If your inner voice doesn’t want to kiss someone, don’t kiss them. It doesn’t matter how much they spent on dinner or drinks for you. I myself have been on dates and allowed men to kiss me because they were aggressive in the taking. It’s OK for women to say “no” and not to be forced into something they don’t want. I’ve allowed myself to be coerced into giving somebody a hand job, mostly because I was sure they would get violent if I didn’t, and I had no way home. This isn’t such a problem today with cell phones and Uber. I’ve put out when I didn’t want to because they persisted in a scary manner.

I sometimes wonder if I had known these things would I have held my ground resolutely ensuring my “no” was respected?

I make sure my “no’s” are loud and clear now. I back away from unwanted kisses. I exit a vehicle when unwanted advances are made. I turn cold, hard, and mean when someone dares persist.

It is okay to protect your mental health, physiological health, and your future offspring.

When pilgrims reached america “innocent mingling” spread diseases through entire tribes. You need to understand the risks involved in dating. 

We want to know if you attribute any changes to having kissed someone, like getting mono. Have you noticed any physiological or emotional changes in yourself or a friend after getting intimate with someone? Do you Do you swallow or spit. Has anybody had a fecal transplant? I need real stories from you guys about gut bacteria and mental health. Tell us your stories. We have Tic Tok and Youtube.

– We are going to take a Commercial break, we will be right back.

Commercial Spot two: (45:15)

(wait 3 seconds) And we are back.

Add “Two Beats”

*** Close the conversation

Even though we are using this episode to point out how a woman’s chemical make up changes to host a seed I would like to remind everyone that we are malleable and adaptable creatures. This includes adapting to abuse. If you are in an unhealthy living environment or relationship you are being changed mentally, emotionally, chemically, physically, and epigenetically. We absorb our environments, people around us alter the way we think and feel. Your personal identity is affected by the personalities you interact with on a daily basis. It actually is important to surround yourself with kind, loving, giving people. Make sure you work in a positive environment. When you realize a relationship is slowly turning negative, prioritize your health and leave. Don’t let someone else’s insanity drive you insane.

We change on epigenetic levels to host a man’s seed. This is a cautionary tale for women. Epigenetics is the tuning of your DNA to your environment. Including the people you come in contact with, the food you eat, your past partners, and your daily reactions to positive or negative actions.

This is a cautionary tale for men as well. Men are able to understand the reasons behind physical attraction. There is a biological reason for REAL attraction. A stiff dick doesn’t mean you have to bone her. When she turns you down…say “thank you”. She is a litmus strip to tell if your genetic make-up is suitable to mix with hers. And remember, she changes on a cellular level for you. She is not a toy to play with.

Kayla noticed changes being with a man

I like the idea that a man changes my dna, when I am crumpled on the floor in a weeping pile after he dumps me. It is comforting to know the reason I am such a mess is because his chemistry is in every crevice of my cell structure including the DNA he left behind in my brain. The reason I can’t stop thinking about him is because his DNA is inside my brain hanging out making sure I am a good girl for him.

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Next week’s episode is going to talk about communication in relationships. We will dive into research by Dr. Adrian Owens and how he talks to people in vegetative states.

If Adrian Owens can communicate with somebody in a vegetative state what is your excuse for not communicating successfully with your partner? Do you wish you could get inside your partner’s head? If there was a mind reading device you could use to know what your partner was thinking would you use it instead of dealing with their poor communication style? Would life be easier if humans did not have ears so we had to focus on each other more when we communicated instead of only paying half attention? 

The old adage about men being poor communicators needs to disappear. Sports and business are mostly run by men and they do just fine communicating there. Why do they choose to drop that ability when they get home to us? Why can I have a more successful conversation in the lab with an ape, than my own boyfriend?

We want you guys to submit your ideas/stories/and questions pertaining to next week’s topic. You can email us. Or, join our patreon. We want to hear from you. And if you got anything out of today’s episode give us some love, subscribe, and rate us.

Thank you so much everyone for listening. We love you. See you next week on Dating Hypothesis!!!

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